dimanche 6 décembre 2009

365 samurai available now at your local comics shop

BERGEN STREET COMICS .brooklyn-nyc.http://bergenstreetcomics.com/

FORBIDDEN PLANET NYC-http://www.fpnyc.com/location/index.html

my first publication from DARKHORSECOMICS ( hope not the last ) , i 'm very happy and excited feel like a child !! i can wait to receive my samples at home next week in switzerland!

thanks to all who follow and discover my work or just passin by ^^

i wish all a good week and stay creative



dimanche 8 novembre 2009

kurara DIARY OF A SHINOBI page 1-2

here is one of the first 10 pages am gonna post for next few days. before the release on december of the web comics -and i-phone project.


mercredi 21 octobre 2009


dear followers n' friends i'll be out until the 22th of october t'ill the 28th for post new stuff.i'm going to the comics festival of st malo all the weekend.i'm on my way tomorow already ^^i'm glad and happy to go there meet again all the great comics artists and have fun with old folks ,st malo is no doubt one of the most enjoy the beautifull view of the beautifull old town of this notorious french pirates coast ,and discover some of good locals restaurant .I specially love st malo because i meet a person who become a good friend ted mathot, and we use to hang out with the notorious pierre alary ,gettin drunk and all that ...
however i'll be at the stand of COMIXBURO co-edited by attakus and the great olivier vatine! and also in the stand of AKILEOS ;-)

to all who passin by and let me comment or not ! thank you for your time and your kind words and remenber to enjoy n' stay creative ! its a bless

peace to all


jp kalonji

ps : i will sign all those books there/ including some of my own publishing -house.

jeudi 1 octobre 2009

SHINOBI KURARA NO NIKKI -teaser color version

all those great color version are made by my friend myriam ,who will work 'on the comics project for the i-touch & i-phone :-)...am so excited !!


dimanche 27 septembre 2009

FUTAGO comics project.studies

I'm very excited to realize my series FUTAGO ,am back ' i take a little break with my shinobi warrior to go back on the main PROJECT !but its a long process, of course ,i'm still on research process for more characters who will be maybe be a part of the trilogy .The two twins YAZU & KAZU are already design on my head...i will post some of the sketches and fight gestures soon here his few faces of maybe samurai or land lords i dunno yet ...

thks for follow



jeudi 10 septembre 2009

DEDICACES FESTIVAL BD DE GISORS france,le 12,13 septembre 2009.

salut à tous ,je pars aujourd'hui à GISORS au 13 eme bd festival, dans ( l'eure )non loin de paris, pour ceux qui savent ou c'est :-) je dédicaces les albums que j'ai posté ! sinon rendez vous lundi prochain pour de nouvelles aventures sur le blog,avec des z'olies dessins voui voui !! c'est promis !
bon travail à tous.

bon weekend à tous et merci pour vos visites et commentaires



Dear followers,colleagues,friends,ect.. am out for the weekend t'ill monday the 14th of sept. am invited in a small but nice comics festival in north of france ,THE PLACE IS called GISORS. and the organizers are very very friendly people and passionate too ! i'm going there with a bunch of friends from lyon ( the KCS TEAM ) ! i will signed the following book ( see cover comics i posted,you can order them ,in my website nethoprod.com,or for comixburo pass through their links. thks !)
SO I WISH YOU ALL a great weekend!! lots of fun and a creative journey for those who will work ,or chill ...

see ya on monday the 14th for more pics ,yes i'll promess :-)


thanks for your comments who push me to do my best !




senda/ old stuff

dimanche 30 août 2009


the title NUKITSUKE mean in this case : draw his sword ,term use in martial art iaidô.

vendredi 28 août 2009

cover research for 365 samurai/DARKHORSE comics book

Voilà deux couvertures d'essai que je n'ai pas gardé pour la couv final du book 365 samouraï.
C'est souvent un exercice laborieux et intéressant à la fois de trouver le bon ton . j'aimais bien le dynamisme qui sort de ces deux illus ,mais elles ne collaient pas avec l'idée d'une couverture qui marque l'esprit !

Here is two research covers ,i didn't keep them for the final cover for 365 samurai book.
i think its a hard exercice n' also interesting too to search the right balance for get close from what we' v got in mind during the drawing process.I do like the dynamic of thoses sketches, but they dont fit with the idea of a good cover who can attract your eyes and capture your spirit.

lundi 17 août 2009

SAN DIEGO comic con international 2009

Hi everyone ,i just came back from u.s after make a little tour in san francisco ,and new york seeimg friends ,am back in town ;-) so i share some of my GREAT TIMES at the COMIC CON few pics of the convention center !! and the dream :-) posing in front of the cover of the u.s version ,365 samurai ,all the people at dark-horse comics are just really kind and very nice people ! it was just a superb experience to meet all those talented and great artists everywhere!!

more pics comin up before i get back to my desk and post some new stuff :-) !!
see ya all